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We sell used kayaks, so we actually want your used kayak trade-in!

Kayak Trade-Ins Made Easy

Although you "might" get a little more by selling the kayak yourself, it can take lots of time and work to do that. Craigslist and eBay can be good if you don't mind spending the time writing ads, answering questions, dealing with buyers or shipping hassles.

When you trade-in your kayak with us, you just give us the kayak, and we give you credit on your new kayak purchase. We do the rest! Just bring your kayak in and let us know you want a trade in quote toward the purchase of a new kayak. We will check condition and give you a quote on your trade-in. Quotes are good for one week.


  • We only accept kayaks that are seaworthy (no leaks) as trade-ins.
  • We do not pay cash for used kayaks -- We only give discount credit for your kayak toward purchase of a new or used kayak at Pedals & Paddles.

Consignment - We Sell It For You

If you prefer to sell your kayak, we can sell it for you under our new consignment program!

Are you trying to sell your kayak, but not having much luck, or would rather not deal with the sales process? Consignment puts your kayak here at our store where customers are coming to look at kayaks. We do the work of promoting your kayak and answering customer questions. This improves your chances of getting the full value you want from your kayak. When your kayak sells you simply collect your money, less our 20% consignment fee.

For more details see our Kayak Consignment Agreement